Film & Online Video – Video Remixes / Mashups
TRUMP TV SMASH // This year, the editorial team at Cycle proved that sometimes the smallest pieces can pack the biggest punch. In anticipation of the first presidential debate, we created a short compilation of people smashing their TVs, superimposing archival footage of then-Republican candidate Donald Trump on the TV screens. Released on the day of the debate, the less than 40 second video took on a life of its own, generating over 49M views on Facebook alone.
- 50M+ Video Views and over 207M Impressions across Cycle social channels.
- Facebook: 49M+ Video Views, 851K+ Shares, 246K+ Reactions, 73K+ Comments
- Twitter: 251K Video Views, 2.4K Retweets, 2.1K Likes
- Instagram: 19.7K Video Views, 165 Comments
- Generated 30M+ additional video views through social sharing across platforms